Pawsalicious is for the foodie in your dog. For dog cookies and cakes, you don’t need to look any further.
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Furpetual Boutique

Springbok Pet Wellness
Springbok Pet Wellness offers Canine Massage Therapy right here at Wag Awhile Doggie Daycare.
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Paws and Boots Photography
Nicole Addy, owner of Paws and Boots Photography worked at Wag Awhile for many years. She grew up with the saying “if you don’t capture your life memories who else will”. She had an interest in photography at a young age and has always had a passion to work with animals. Since bringing her German Shorthaired Pointer Apollo home in 2019 she has spent a lot of time capturing his life with her camera. Initially she just took photos of her own pets and that of her friends but has recently decided to start up a side business after taking an online photography course.
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