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Wag Awhile Open House

Wag Awhile Open House

Events > 2015 > September > Wag Awhile Open House

About this event:

Created by Wag Awhile

grand opening

Join us for our Grand Opening event on Sept 26th!

Mayor Van Bynen will be in attendance for our ribbon cutting ceremony.

Events include:

BBQ – sponsored by M&M’s

Donuts and Coffee sponsored by Tim Hortons

Popcorn and Air Brush tattoos sponsored by Active Kidz Zone

Ask the Vet:  Dr. Mike Bondar

Ask the Trainer:  Jill Priest

Ask the Groomer: Christina Czuba

Tours of the facility

Raffles with all proceeds being donated to the OSPCA

Draws for various prizes

Bring your dogs!!  (must be on leash please)


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